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We need to recover the concept of the household economy, the oikos, to enable a more integrated life with flexible work closer to home. This will help both men and women balance the commitments to family, community and employment.

We need to develop more familial systems for early years support and for adult social care. We need a tax system that helps couples, and we need to give marriage its proper due in the legal, tax and benefit systems.

Closing the birthgap

It has long been known that women are not having as many children as they would like. But what are the barriers to having larger families? And how many children do women actually want? Recent polling commissioned by the New Social Covenant Unit helps answer these questions.

What is being taught in Relationships and Sex Education in our schools? A call for a government review

Our co-Chair, Miriam Cates MP, commissioned extensive research into Relationships and Sex education in schools. 

Watch her question to the Prime Minister here.