This week, the debate on the new Covid-19 regulations saw MPs from across the House venture into new political territory. Could a new radical consensus be emerging from the fall out over the restrictions?

On Tuesday night, both left and right resisted authoritarian and ‘laissez faire’ instincts, instead calling on the government to create the conditions for virtue through governance that trusts the people.

Tory Jane Stevenson said that a mandatory approach to vaccination defies conservative principles.

The vast majority of my constituents and the British people will do everything asked of them by the Government, without it needing to be mandated. They have been incredible throughout this pandemic; they have acted in the interests of themselves, their families, their communities, their cities and their towns. […] I humbly ask the Government to get back to our Conservative principles of trusting the British people. […] I make a last plea to the Government; in order to go forward together as a nation, we have to stop passing never-ending regulations and move forward in a voluntary, community, public-spirited way.

Read more here.